Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Rock the Vote!

Not sure if this is going to work, but let's try... Here are some ideas for August's book. Please leave your preference as a comment, and the book with the most votes wins!

1. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
2. Lipstick Jihad
3. Encyclopedia of a Normal Life
4. Blink (we haven't read non-fiction in a while, and it's short!)
4. Write-In's ?

As for date and venue, we have a lot to celebrate (Kate and Livia going to Chicago, Book Club is almost 3 years old(!), plus it's summer in the city) so we were thinking a Friday night book club is in order. Does Friday, August 12 work for everyone? We can do an al fresco party in Noa's West Village garden.

Please comment below on 1) Choice of book and 2) If August 12 works for you.


Blogger noa said...

i agree on Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close...but it's only out in hardcover. is that a problem? i have a copy someone could borrow...
also august 12 works for me, what about you guys?

4:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all book choices sound good. i would still like to nominate the hip hop tell-all (http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=F30816FA3B5E0C708CDDAE0894DD404482&incamp=archive:search).

unfortunately, on august 12, i will be in maine dodging (wo)man-eating bears and clubbing baby seals. but i will be happy to rejoin in september for our third anniversary . . .

8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm down for the 12th and my vote is for freakonomics.

7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hand clap and rewind it back
bookworm blogsite make your booty get smacked

yay for noa!

i want to read both extremely loud and freakonomics.

aug 12th is good for me

10:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i've gotta bottle full of hater-aide here for extremely loud... but by all means, bring it on! it will be a nice change from my usual position as Defender of All Things with a Dewey decimal #... (and i'll be there fri.)

9:59 AM  

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